無法抗拒Overeating: Is It an Addiction?By Meredith Melnick Wednesday, December 1, 2010 | 98 comments Read more: 室內設計 holidays are a time for eating: pies at 買屋Thanksgiving, chocolates for Advent and overflowing gift baskets of cookies and candies through the New Year. If you're having 濾桶trouble saying no to the bounty of fat and sugar, give yourself a break: your willpower may be no match for brain pathways that ARMANImake overeating — much like drug-taking — feel so good.Several studies recently presented at the Society for Neuroscience's 酒店經紀2010 Annual Meeting explored those brain pathways, and compared them with those involved in drug addiction, according to an NPR 烤肉report on Wednesday. Researchers have found that high-calorie, fatty foods may light up the same pathways that drugs do, at least 租辦公室in animal studies, and that early exposure to too much of these foods can change the way the brain responds in the long term. 襯衫(More on 5 Ways to Get Oatmeal in Your Diet, Deliciously年節到了感恩節聖誕節一直到過年, 一堆美食在前, 你無法抗拒嗎? 無法褐藻醣膠抗拒美食跟無法抗拒藥物有時候有相同的遭遇, 吃太多美食也跟吃太多藥物有一樣的結果!Read more: 澎湖民宿

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